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(*denotes equal authorship)


35. Bullinger, LR. (2024). Infant Safe Havens. Journal of Policy Analysis & Management 43(3): 714-734. 


34. Bullinger, LR, and A Boy. (2023). Association of Expanded Child Tax Credit Payments with Child Abuse and Neglect Emergency Department Visits. JAMA Network Open.


33. Bullinger, LR, B Klika, M Feely, D Ford, M Merrick, KR Raissian, W Rostad, W Schneider (2023). Paid Family Leave: An Upstream Intervention to Prevent Family Violence. Journal of Family Violence.


32. Bullinger, LR, Wang, V, and Feder, K. (2022). Effects of Opioid Treatment Programs on Child Well-BeingThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 703(1):79-105.


31. *WJ Schneider, Bullinger, LR, and KM Raissian (2022). How Does the Minimum Wage Affect Child Maltreatment and Parenting Behaviors? An Analysis of the Mechanisms. Review of Economics of the Household 20(4): 1119-1154.


30. *Bullinger, LR, KM Raissian, and WJ Schneider (2022). The Power of the Future: Intergenerational Income Mobility and Child Maltreatment in the United StatesChild Abuse & Neglect 130(4): 105175.


29. Bullinger, LR, J Fleckman, and KT Fong (2021). Proximity to SNAP-Authorized Retailers and Child Maltreatment ReportsEconomics & Human Biology 42: 101015.


28. *Bullinger, LR and B Ward (2021). What About the Children? How the Opioid Epidemic is Affecting Child Well-Being. Contemporary Economic Policy 39(4): 737-759.


27. *Bullinger, LR, J Lindo, and J Schaller (2021). Economic Determinants of Child Maltreatment. Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, 2nd Edition. (pre-print here).


26. Bullinger, LR and KT Fong (2021). Evictions and Neighborhood Child Maltreatment Reports. Housing Policy Debate 31 (3-5): 490-515.


25. *Feely, M KM Raissian, WJ Schneider and LR Bullinger (2020). The Social Welfare Policy Landscape and Child Protection Services: Opportunities For and Barriers to Creating Systems Synergy. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 692 (November): 140-161.


24. *Bullinger, LR, M Feely, KM Raissian, and WJ Schneider (2020). Heed Neglect, Disrupt Child Maltreatment: A Call to Action for Researchers. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice 3, 93-104.


23. Bullinger, LR and C Wing (2019). How Many Children Live with Adults with Opioid Use Disorder?​ Children and Youth Services Review, 104: 104381.


22. Bullinger, LR (2017). The Effect of Minimum Wages on Adolescent Fertility: A Nationwide AnalysisAmerican Journal of Public Health, 107(3): 447-452.

Media Coverage: U.S. News and World Report, KJZZ Phoenix, member NPR station, The Public Health Post, The Bloomington Herald-TimesLos Angeles Times, New York Times


21. Raissian, KM and LR Bullinger (2017). Money Matters: Does Increasing the Minimum Wage Reduce Child Maltreatment? Children and Youth Services Review, 72, 60–70.

Media Coverage: Fast CompanyMSNIndiana Public MediaBritish Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) World Service Live, New York Times


20. Soni, A., Bullinger, LR., Andrews, C., Abraham, A., & Simon, K.I. (Forthcoming). The Impact of State Medicaid Eligibility and Benefits Policy on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Hospitalizations. Contemporary Economic Policy


19. *Bullinger, LR, Gopalan, M., & Lombardi , C (2022). Impacts of publicly funded health insurance for adults on children's academic achievement. Southern Economic Journal. 


18. *Lombardi , C. Bullinger, LR & Gopalan, M. (2022). Better Late Than Never: Effects of Late ACA Medicaid Expansions for Parents on Family Health-Related Financial Well-Being. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing.


17. Bullinger, LR, K Simon & BT Edmonds. (2022) Coverage Effects of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid Expansion on Reproductive-Aged Women, Postpartum Mothers, and Mothers with Older Children.  Maternal and Child Health Journal.


16. *Gopalan, M., Lombardi, C. Bullinger, LR (2022). Effects of Parental Public Health Insurance Eligibility on Parent and Child Health Outcomes. Economics & Human Biology 44: 101098.

15. Bullinger, LR & A Meinhofer (2021). The Affordable Care Act Increased Medicaid Coverage Among Former Foster Youth. Health Affairs 40(9): 1430-1439.


14. *Bullinger, LR & S Tello-Trillo (2021). Connecting Medicaid and Child Support: Evidence from the TennCare Disenrollment. Review of Economics of the Household 19: 785-812.
13. Bullinger, LR (2021). Child Support and the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid ExpansionsJournal of Policy Analysis and Management 40(1):42-77.

12. Bullinger, LR (2019). The Effect of Paid Family Leave on Infant and Parental Health in the United States.  Journal of Health Economics 66: 101-116. (pre-print here)

Media Coverage: Futurity, Atlanta Journal-Constitution


11. Bullinger, LR & KI Simon (2019). Prescription Contraceptive Sales Following the Affordable Care Act. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 23(5), 657-666.


10. Kapinos, KA, LR Bullinger and T Gurley-Calvez (2018). The Affordable Care Act, Breastfeeding, and Breast Pump Health Insurance Coverage. JAMA Pediatrics, 172(11): 1002-1004.


9. Gurley-Calvez, T, LR Bullinger, & KA Kapinos (2018). Effect of the Affordable Care Act on Breastfeeding Outcomes. American Journal of Public Health, 108(2): 277-283.

Media Coverage: Indiana Public Media


8. Kapinos, KA, LR Bullinger & T Gurley-Calvez (2017). Lactation Support Services and Breastfeeding Initiation: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act, Health Services Research, 52(6): 2175-2196.

Media Coverage: Slate


7. Bullinger, LR & T Gurley-Calvez (2016). WIC Participation and Maternal Behavior: Breastfeeding and Work Leave. Contemporary Economic Policy, 34(1): 158-172.


6. Bullinger, LR., Marcus, S., Reuben, K., Whitaker, D., &  Self-Brown, S.(Forthcoming). Evaluating Child Maltreatment Risk During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Using a Telehealth Home Visiting Programs as a Conduit to Families. Infant Mental Health Journal

5. Bullinger, LR, A Boy, M Feely, S MessnerKM Raissian, WJ Schneider, & S Self-Brown. (2022)  Home, but Left Alone: Time at Home and Child Abuse and Neglect During COVID-19. Journal of Family Issues 44(2): 338-362.

Self-Brown, S, Rueben, K, Perry, EW, Bullinger, LR, Osborne, MC, Bielecki, J, & Whitaker, D (Forthcoming). 
The impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of an evidence-based child maltreatment prevention program: Understanding the perspectives of SafeCare® ProvidersJournal of Family Violence 

3. Bullinger, LR, KM Raissian, M Feely, & WJ Schneider. (2021). The Neglected Ones: Time at Home During COVID-19 and Child Maltreatment. Children and Youth Services Review 131: 106287.

2. Bullinger, LR, A Boy, S Messner& S Self-Brown. (2021) Pediatric Emergency Department Visits Due to Child Abuse and Neglect Following COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Declaration in the Southeastern United States. BMC Pediatrics 21:401.

 1. *Bullinger, LR, JB Carr & A Packham (2021). COVID-19 and Crime: Effects of Stay-at-Home Orders on Domestic Violence. American Journal of Health Economics 7(3): 249-280.

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